Letter to the Editor

Paving 6 St. SW
     I would like to know when the city of Hampton elected officials and employees are going to pave 6 St. SW. I do not want to hear it costs too much.
     Saying it’s too costly to pave 6 St. SW is not a correct answer when the city of Hampton, elected officials and employees line their pockets with tax payer’s money and their pet projects. In fact, 6 St. SW should have been the first street paved for all the traffic allowed on it and all its utilization.
     It is a Highway 3 or 65, but only two lanes instead of four. Individuals speed on 6 St. SW like it is Highway 3 or 65.
     Every tax payer that lives on 6 St. SW has seen their taxes go for every other street, Band Shell Park and every other pet project that the city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees want, to the point of forcing vote after vote, after vote for their pet projects, until they get what they want: new pool/new school, etc. Now how is paying for that to stay operational?
     I do not mind supporting other projects with my taxes but I do mind elected officials and employees selective discrimination of selected selections of the city of Hampton.
     The city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees have allowed 6 St. SWto be used like Highway 3 and 65. They allow farmers to bring their grain to the elevator using 6 St. SW. They allow tractor trailers (18-wheelers) to go to the industrial park, and when they have had Highway 3 closed (Sept. 27, 2016, a.m.) I observed 18-wheelers going north and south on 6 St. SW, going somewhere unknown.
     They allow grandstand traffic from the fairgrounds to be directed towards 6 St. SW. They allow big, two-wheeled farm field sprayers to use 6 St. SW. They allow snow mobiles to 6 St. SW. They allow full-sized school buses on 6 St. SW and they are not picking up any students for school.
     I could go on and on about the traffic tat the city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees allow on the street. As you can see, the city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees use 6 St. SW as a highway like 3 and 65, to the point of allowing anything and everything to utilize it.
     It is my personal opinion and belief that the city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees need to stop using select discrimination against the individual taxpayer’s of 6 St. SW. They have allowed 6 St. SW to be used as their traffic dump street for the southwest end of town.
     If the city of Hampton’s elected officials and employees want to claim it will cost too much to pave, then stop using 6 St. SW as their traffic dump street. I would like to know when our elected official is going to support their whole area and every individual tax payer.
     Every individual residing on 6 St. SW has seen their taxes go for everything from pay raises for the city of Hampton elected officials and employees, to employees’ clothing allowance (excluding police department), to cell phone, to employees’ insurance, to new a new middle school, to city trucks to police cars to new school buses, to a new pool, to Band Shell Park, etc. Point made.
     The city of Hampton’s elected officials need to stop the unnecessary pay raises, cell phone, clothing allowance for select city of Hampton employees, etc. and consider every individual within the city.
     Sincerely my personal opinion and belief — free speech,
Shirley A. Smith
Vietnam Veteran
Persian Gulf Veteran — first
Disabled Veteran.

Hampton Chronicle

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